Library Closure: Due to continued weather and road conditions, Monroe Library will be closed through Thursday, January 23. The library building will be open from 10 AM - 5 PM on Friday, January 24, with no checkouts or in-person services. Regular hours and services will resume Saturday, January 25.

All online library resources are available through our website and databases, and the Library Chat service is available to assist with research questions and access to library resources. 

For the latest university information, please check Loyola's Emergency Information page.


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Project Collaboration

Instructional Design

Liaisons work with disciplinary faculty to design instruction specifically for information literacy and technology.  For assistance with design for online instruction, please consult resources provided by our Online Learning Team.

Using the model of backward design, liaisons collaborate with faculty to refine learning outcomes, to compose and deliver content, to craft active learning experiences, and to design assignments and assessment related to information literacy and relevant technology. We design instruction for multiple modes of delivery, in various media.

For more on backward design, we recommend Understanding by Design, a now classic book by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.

Our instructional design includes creating learning objects, such as our collection of Research Guides.

Wolf-LOR is a digital repository for learning objects related to our instruction.

To collaborate on any aspect of our instructional design, contact your liaison.

Information Resources

Liaisons collect and maintain the resources necessary to support research and learning in university programs.  They do so with an understanding that such needs often change, in terms of content, format, and application.  To that end, liaisons also lead in:

  • Facilitating the collection of materials for course reserves
  • Promoting e-textbooks, online educational resources (OER), and open source software
  • Promoting the accessibility of our materials for all learners
  • Collecting, evaluating, and maintaining our physical and electronic resources

All of these activities also require that liaisons continually familiarize themselves with the scholarly communication relevant to their departments and disciplines, as well as evaluate and promote the collections they maintain.

Digital Projects

Librarian liaisons support digital projects involving research, publishing, and/or pedagogy from Loyola faculty, students, and staff. Librarian liaisons can recommend and provide training on digital tools to help you create and manage your scholarly and creative work.

Projects may take the following form:

  • Data Cleaning & Visualization
  • Web Publishing
  • Multimedia Creation
  • Digital Mapping
  • Text Mining

Other projects may be developed in consultation with librarian liaisons. The Digital Scholarship Resource Guide provides tools, tutorials, and examples.

Scholarly Communications


UCT RDM lifecycle
The Research Data Management (RDM) lifecycle at the University of Cape Town (UCT) (CC BY-SA 4.0)


Librarian liaisons also support scholarly communications. The research life cycle is the system by which scholarship is "created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use." Contact your librarian liaison or view our Research Guides to learn more about the following:


Contact Us

Have questions? Find departmental contacts here.