Strategic Directions

In Fall 2022, the Monroe Library faculty and staff undertook a collaborative process to identify strategic directions and broad goals. In Spring 2022, we are working on implementation of this plan in the units and teams, and will create a dashboard to track progress. This is intended to be a three-year plan, and may require some adjustments, as we proceed.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice:
Advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice through library services, staffing, programs, and collections.
Collaborate on university initiatives that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
Apply critical perspectives to our practice as a way to ethically evolve what we do and how we accomplish our work.
Learning and Research:
Embed information literacy and library instruction in all university curricula in order to enhance student learning and achievement.
Partner at all stages of the research process, such as discovery, research design, information seeking, and source evaluation.
Spark scholarly engagement through creative outreach, instruction, events, and exhibits.
Engagement and Collaboration:
Collaborate with faculty, staff, and other university units to advance learning, showcase scholarship, and offer innovative programming.
Engage students about their needs and concerns regarding library services and spaces.
Engage with the regional and professional communities to build partnerships, learn, lead, and innovate.
Care for Our Community:
Adopt the philosophy of cura personalis by treating all members of our university community with empathy and respect.
Foster accessible, comfortable, flexible, and active spaces.
Promote organizational health and professional growth within the library.
Assessment, Improvement, and Innovation:
Foster a culture of evidence-based planning, decision making, continuous improvement, and innovation.
Document and communicate the library’s contributions to student learning, academic success, faculty and student research, and university priorities and mission.
Develop, maintain, and preserve collections that support learning and engagement.