Trish Nugent
Interim Dean of Libraries
- B.A., English, with Highest Honors in English, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1997
- M.S., Information Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2003
- Certified Archivist, Academy of Certified Archivists, 2007
- Monroe Library
- Administration
- Monroe Library
- Special Collections and Archives
Trish Nugent is the Interim Dean of Libraries at Monroe Library. As the head of Special Collections and Archives, she oversees the acquisition, arrangement, description, preservation, and access to the holdings of Special Collections and Archives. Trish also oversees research and instructional services for students, faculty, and visiting researchers, and provides reference, consultation, and instruction services related to the collections. She has provided archival instruction to students and faculty across many disciplines, including history, visual arts, business and music.
Trish is a Certified Archivist (Academy of Certified Archivists) and is actively involved in local, regional and national archival organizations and professional associations. Trish has received grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Institute for Museum and Library Services, and the Center for the Conservation of Historic Art & Artifacts. She was a member of the I.M.L.S. National Leadership Grant “Strategic Planning for Collaborative Preservation” and is a founding member of the New Orleans Preservation Coalition.