Evonne Kelly Lawrence
Learning Commons Director
- Monroe Library
- Circulation
- Monroe Library
Primary Responsibilities
- Supervise Learning Commons staff
- Manage laptop loan checkouts
- Coordinate circulation functions and systems, records, fees, and fines
- Manage circulation agreements between the Monroe Library and various libraries, institutions, and groups
- Manage physical reserves of textbooks and supporting course materials
- Work with the Dean and Information Resources Coordinator on the replacement of lost, billed, or damaged items
- Provide assistance to library users from the Learning Commons Desk
- Manage student data/record keeping
- Supervise Learning Commons student employees
- Maintain physical collections, supervise students who shelve and maintain order in the physical collections, and manage processes to find or replace missing items
- Order and maintain LC desk supplies
Library Teams
- Acquisitions/Cataloging Team
- Reserves Team
- Sirsi Team