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Reserves Policy


Etextbooks: The library will purchase unlimited user etextbooks for your courses upon request. Search textbook availability here.

Articles: Articles may be linked or uploaded to Canvas. Articles that the library does not own may be requested via interlibrary loan and uploaded to Canvas. View the direct links policy here.

Book chapters: Book chapters (see Fair Use Guidelines below) may be scanned and uploaded to Canvas by library staff for you. You may link to chapters of ebooks owned by the library as well. Professors may drop off print materials to be scanned and posted in their Canvas courses after filling out the form. They may also ask for online materials to be linked from their Canvas courses. View the direct links policy here.

Streaming Video: Films from the library's collection may be streamed in your Canvas course. The library must own the material or have streaming rights. We cannot stream your personal copies, material owned by other libraries, or use streaming services such as Hulu or Netflix.

  • See this guide for how to create links to existing digitized films.
  • To find out what the library owns, check here.
  • To request that the library purchase a film or films that you would like to stream in Canvas, please complete this request form. Please understand that we may not always purchase the version that is offered to individuals and must purchase streaming rights where they are required. Budget constraints may require prioritization for films that require educational pricing and streaming rights. 

For more information about course materials in Canvas, please contact Laurie Phillips at 864-7833 or

On Physical Reserve in the Library

If you need help with putting together your course reserves for the semester, please contact your librarian liaison

For assistance with reserves services and policies, or with purchasing materials for reserve, please contact Laurie Phillips at 864-7833 or

Fair Use

Your request for scanning may be refused if we determine that it does not adhere to fair use guidelines. The four factors of fair use are:

Purpose of the use: educational use is usually considered inherently transformative, and favors fair use. Note that this is not necessarily true of textbooks, which are already intended for educational use.

Nature of the copyrighted work: copying from factual works (biographies, etc.) is more likely to favor fair use than copying from creative works (fiction, poetry, etc.). Copying from published works is more likely to favor fair use than copying from unpublished works. Also, test forms and workbook pages are less likely to qualify as fair use, since they are intended to be used and repurchased.

Amount and substantiality: The less of a work that is used, the more likely it is to qualify as fair use.

Effect on the potential market: Copying from an out-of-print work is more likely to qualify as fair use.

In order to comply with copyright law, we will generally only post 10% or one chapter of a written work on Canvas.

If you choose to scan your own course materials, you accept all responsibility for ensuring it complies with copyright.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Perry or Laurie Phillips.

More about the four factors of Fair Use from Stanford University.

More about copyright and Fair Use at the Monroe Library.

Contact Us

Have questions? Find departmental contacts here.