Congratulations to LDL as Data Fellows Kure Croker and Victoria Elmwood
Congratulations to Kure Croker, Special Collections Registrar and Archivist, and Victoria Elmwood, User Experience and Outreach Librarian, for their selection as LDL (Louisiana Digital Library) As Data Fellows. Kure and Victoria were awarded funding to work with the digital cultural heritage material presented in the Louisiana Digital Library.
Kure is planning to use records in the Franck-Bertacci Photograph Collection to create a digital map that will highlight commercial areas in post-WWII New Orleans. Victoria has created digital maps that identify significant locations in New Orleans’s sex work industry from the antebellum period to WWII, and she plans to make her work more accessible by rebuilding her maps as an online shareable resource.
Each fellow will present their project at a Lunch at the (Digital) Library Brown Bag event, a virtual event series that will run from August to December 2021. The resulting projects and resources will ultimately be published on the LDL as a sample of the digital scholarship that can be pursued with LDL collections.
The fellowship is generously funded by the Collections as Data team and Mellon Foundation funds re-granted through the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The LDL as Data Fellowship is part of the LDL as Data project, which fosters the ethical use of the digital library’s historic state collections as data by supporting research and teaching that uses digital tools and methods to approach LDL materials in novel ways.
The Monroe Library is so proud of our talented faculty and staff. Congratulations again, Kure and Victoria!