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Black History Month Trivia

February 22


Add to Calendar 2024-02-22 14:00:00 2024-02-22 16:00:00 Black History Month Trivia Celebrate Black History Month and drop in anytime between 2PM and 4PM to play trivia. Highest scores earn library prizes. Play online or with pen and paper. Learn about notable figures in black history often overlooked in history books and resources used to research these amazing people. Library Lobby Iriana Lonon America/Chicago public


Library Lobby




Celebrate Black History Month and drop in anytime between 2PM and 4PM to play trivia. Highest scores earn library prizes. Play online or with pen and paper. Learn about notable figures in black history often overlooked in history books and resources used to research these amazing people.

Event Type

Social + Gathering


Add to Calendar 2024-02-22 14:00:00 2024-02-22 16:00:00 Black History Month Trivia Celebrate Black History Month and drop in anytime between 2PM and 4PM to play trivia. Highest scores earn library prizes. Play online or with pen and paper. Learn about notable figures in black history often overlooked in history books and resources used to research these amazing people. Library Lobby Iriana Lonon America/Chicago public


Monroe Library